Arriving to Port Townsend after a short ferryride from Whidbey Island
Port Townsend
At the Potlatch State Park I met Britta and Annika. They are from Spokane, Washington and started there trip in Seattle to ride down to San Fransisco. We biked togheter half a day before we splitted up when they were heading out for the coast and I down to Olympia to visit Katrin and her family. Hopefully I get the chance to met up with the girls again along the HW 101
Smoko at the Intersection to HW 108:)
Entering Olympia which is the capital of Washington State. In the back you can see the highest peak in the state , Mt Rainer.
The highest building on the picture is the state Capitol
Katrin and her daughter Fiona during our tour through the harbor on the evening. Katrin and I are relatives and I guess it will end up in like second cousin or something like that.
A couple of days before take of from Bellingham I was looking at the map over my planned route down south. I could barely see no more than a thick line of Interstate HW and big cities like Everett, Seattle and Tacoma covering the area on the east side of the pacific ocean. For a biker it just looked nasty and some miles west you got the Whidbey Island with beutiful countryside and the really nice couple Rev and Carol to stay with in the town of Oak Harbor.
The choice was kind of easy and after leaving The Drew family in Bellingham I headed out through town and entered the chuckanut drive that would take me along the scenic coast towards whidbey island. Beutiful weather made my day pleasent and the lunch Janet packed down in my bags filled me up more than well, thanks, the cake tasted even better a little bit melted:). Just when my Ipod started to play Zac Brown Band and the song "Highway 20 ride" I entered just hw 20 that goes all the way from eastern Washington and out to my destination, Oak Harbor. After arriving to Oak Harbor for like the 4th time in my life Rev and Carol takes me to dinner in town at one of the chinese restaurants.
In the morning they take me down to the ferry in Coupeville that took me over to Port Townsend and the Olympic Peninsula. I was expecting a 45 minutes ferryride but I barely had the time to eat one of the sandwiches Carol made me before it was time to step of again. with 100 miles to go to Olympia I decided to do half the distance that day and the rest the days after. It was a beutiful ride along the Hood Canal and after just an hour or so I came out on the HW 101 which is the road I'm gonna follow down the coast in a couple of days. Beutiful countryside, excellent weather and nice view over the mountains made the day very good and the t-shirt went of fairly quick to get some sunlight on my white nordic skin:).
By suppertime I stopped at a gasstation along the raod to buy a bottle opf wine I was gonna have to dinner later on and an hour later I pulled of at Potlatch State Park and decided to call it a day. Dinner was consumed with the company of Britta and Annika from Spokane, Washington. These two pretty girls started in Seattle the day before and were heading down to San Fransisco along the coast. We biked togheter for half next day before the took of west on hw 108 and I carried on south towards Olympia to visit Katrin and her family.
After a sunny day I arrived to Olympia which is a really nice town just on the south tip of the hood Canal and as far as the water from the pacific reach. Only staying here one night because they are going out camping in the morning and I gonna make my way out towards the coast.
Over and out
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