Hey there!

5 days ago I left the Enslow family in Anchorage and headed north towards the town of Fairbanks which me, the Englishmen Rob and the Aussie guy Dave entered a couple of hours ago. I met them this morning and we have been biking togheter for the day. Rob is heading north towards Prudhoe Bay while me and Dave is gonna go south from here towards the Alcan HW and the Canadian border. We found an nice Backpackers in Fairbanks were we are staying in a tepee with thousands of mosquitoes :). The journey from Anchorage has been really nice and I have passed through some incredible scenery with Denali NP on my left hand side the Parks HW. The mountain Mt.Mckinley it's just an majestic view from the HW and I've been very lucky with the weather. On a viewpoint I met a guy who said "
-" well, I guess we're in the 30 % club"
- I said, what do you mean?
- "You know man, only 30 percent of the people who goes to Alaska actually get to see the mountain"

The biking is holding up well and it's pretty easy so far with a lot of tailwind and pretty flat. Have cover a lot of distance in 5 days. It's not to much else to do than just biking and enjoying the scenery and the people I meet along the road. the distances between the places are pretty long.

Like I said, tomorrow I'm starting to make my way south towards the Canadian border and later on the Lower 48 as they say up here. Haven's seen any bears so far but I expect I will see some along the road sometime. Have seen 4 moose's and the ones on the pictures are just outside the small town of Nenana yesterday. I stopped along the road and we were staniding and looking on each other for about 10 minutes before she buggered of with the young fella.
Well, gonna cruise away and buy some food for tonights dinner with the guys. Take care people!
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