Friday, October 28, 2011

Hösten 2009 till Hösten 2011 - Och det som hänt däremellan.

Det har gått ungefär två år sedan jag tog mina första tramptag söderut på en fullpackat cykel. Europa har rests igenom, Nordamerika har korsats på både längden och tvären och Nya Zeeland har fått ett långt besök under den kalla vintern på det norra jordklotet. Här kommer en liten resume över de senaste 2 åren.

Jag trampade söderut genom Europa i början av September 2009. En av de första bilderna som togs på kameran utanför Sveriges gränser var på denna fallfärdiga gård i norra Polen.

I Tjeckien började naturen och alperna ta vid på allvar, ölen började smaka gott och folket var trevliga samt mer engelskspråkiga än Polen.

Alperna i Österrike och Dolomiterna i norra Italien blev resans höjdpunkter. Här står jag nära toppen av Grossglockner high Alpine Road som är den högsta passagen i Österrike. Detta efter att lite småsvettig spenderat 4-5 timmar på den krokiga vägen som slingrar sig brant uppför det otroligt vackra landskapet.
Efter ungefär en månad som avslutades med att ta mig ner utmed Italiens östkust kände jag mig rätt nöjd med min första resa och bestämde mig för att flyga hem vilket jag också gjorde från Bari i Södra Italien efter 3100 km.

Efter nästintill ett halvår hemma i Sverige var det åter igen dags för en resa i mitten av april 2010. Jag och Emil flög till New York och började våran cykling tvärs över den Nordamerikanska kontinenten. Vi cyklade över Appalacherna i öst, runt de stora sjörnan och över prärien tills vi kämpde oss igenom klippiga bergen och rullade ner till Stilla havskusten i vast ca 4 månader senare.

 En av de absoluta höjdpunkterna på resan var våra två veckor på Wind Song Ranch i Black Hills, South Dakota. Fick vi rida en hel del och hjälpa till med sysslorna runt trail ridningarna.........

 Och även fixa staket och stå och snacka skit lutandes mot en gammal blå Ford Pick up :)

 Prärien var en riktigt häftig upplevelse med ''The ocean of grass'' och spikraka vägar så långt ögat nådde

 State-skyltarna blev ett standigt återkommande av poseringar, närmare 13 stycken under resan. Här rullar vi som ni ser in i Wyoming på USA:s västra sida. När vi kom fram till västkusten hade vi cyklat dryga 6000km.

Efter en höst hemma i Sverige bestämde jag mig for att i början av November 2010 ta en enkel biljett till Auckland och Nya Zeeland på andra sidan klotet, solsidan :). Då min kamera blev stulen långt in i resan så finns inte så mycket bilder från landet. Jag spenderade 7 månader cyklandes runt landet 4000 km och plockade upp diverse jobb efter vägen
 Tillsammans med detta gäng fullt av Amerikaner och Kanadensare reste jag utmed Nya Zeelands vackra västkust under en veckas tid.

Central Otago i höglanderna på den Södra ön bjöd på dessa vyer 

 Mitt andra jobb i landet blev äppelplock i Riwaka Valley i toppen av den södra ön. Hårt men roligt slit under 6 veckor gjorde att jag slutade köpa äpplen i butiker på ett bra tag :)

Sista tiden i landet spenderades på familjen Joblins mjölkgård i Taranaki-området på nordön. Långa arbetsdagar under 4 veckorstid och en vanlig återkommande vy som denna gjorde livet rätt gott.

Ett par veckor spenderades också givetvis på en vineyard, Hitchen Road. Fantastiskt belägen precis söder om Auckland.

 När sommaren på de nordligare breddgraderna började närma sig kunde jag inte hålla mig längre. Den 1 Juni 2011 landade jag i Anchorage Alaska och började min cykling längs Alaskan Canadian Hiwhway söderut med sikte på San Diego vid den Mexikanska gränsen. Många av er känner nog igen min resekamrat de första två dagarna, Mt Mckinley.

 Efter 5 veckor av langa cykeldagar i Alaska och norra Kanada närmade jag mig ''Lower 48'' Här sitter jag i hjärtat av de Kanadensiska Klippiga Bergen utmed Icefields Parkway mellan Jasper och Banff i västra Kanada.
 Rob och Zoe träffade jag och cyklade med utmed västkusten i Nya Zeeland och hälsade på dem på deras arbete på Lake Ohara Lodge precis utanför Lake Louise.

 Det är lätt att bli sittandes vid en sjö ett par timmar och inte göra annat än att bara glo rakt fram :)

 Efter skog och berg var det dags att göra ett miljöombyte och röra sig ut till den berömda västkusten på kontinenten där cyklingen var enastående. Oregon kom att bli favoriten även om vattnet på högersidan av Highway 101 var kallt som tusan.

Även Highway 1 utmed Kaliforniens kust gick inte av för hackor och jag passerade där i slutet av augusti. Resan avslutades med en roadtrip in till Las Vegas via Death Valley innan ett flyg från San Diego dumpade av mig på Arlanda i Stockholm den 20 September 2011. Det blev ca 6000 cyklade km på kntinenten detta år

Friday, October 14, 2011

A trip to Australia is coming up during 2012

Gday mates!

When I first was thinking about travelling about 2,5 years ago the intention was to start with the continent of Australia. After crossing Europe, 2 big trips in Northamerica and a winter in New Zealand it's time to pay a visit to the continent ''Down Under''. On the 7th of Januari 2012 a one-way ticket will take me to Sydney with a one year working visa in the country. As always there's no specific plan except for cruising around in the country, picking up jobs whenever I feel for it and having a good time. This time I got a small laptop in the travelbag so hopefully the trip will be well updated.

see ya!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Down the coastroad the last couple of weeks

People were defintely right when they said that once you get to Oregon, the coast will be amazing. With extremely good weather and good company Oregon became some of the best bikespots I've been on. During the week when I had to turn around from Astoria when I dropped my wallet a bicyclist got killed by a big loggingtruck in Norther Oregon. The story was that the 80 year old man got "sucked" in to the truck while it was passing him but as a bicyclist I can tell that's not the case, the pressure from the air is not that strong. The reason is just the simple fact that the truckdriver just don't care and, apparently for him, is more important to maintain his downhill speed for the coming uphill than a human beings life. After being on parts of the coastroad were the sholder is bad and a lot of trucks is passing, you just step of the road as soon as you hear the sound of a big semi.

More than halfway down the Oregoncoast I got to the Oregon dunes which is the largest expanse of coastal sand dunes on the northamerican continent. Rolling in on the camp I met my Mexican friend who been biking ahead of my during the day and also Max from St Paul in Minnesota and Erin from Chicago. After dinner we were heading out to hang out on the sanddunes with a bottle of whiskey and a cigar Max bought during the day. The wind was really strong out on the dunes and after several attempts by Max of light up the cigar with me and Erin as shields, we realized it was not gonna happend.

After crashing in the tent I wook up in the night by the sound of rakoons fooling around outside which was gonna be a coming event further south later on during the trip. Sleepy and with my tent full of sand I woke up in the morning and looked out from my tent. Very close to me a new tent was pitched during the night. Erin and Max was gone and were the Mexican guy had been sitting the night before and having dinner, two Canadian girls were now having there breakfast. I felt kind of confused and for a moment I wondered if someone moved my tent during the night. I put on some clothes and went over to the girls for a chat and it turned out they just arrived pretty late during the night. Candace and Vanessa had just started there trip the day before in Eugene and was gonna bike down the coast to San Franscisco.

I went back north the 3 miles into Florence for breakfast before going south and after a couple of hours or so, I catched up the girls in an uphill and started to bike with them. We stopped in Redsport for a coffe and snack break and Candace was gonne fill up air in her tire. On a servostation the guy there fills it up way to hard and after some miles me and Vanessa hear a "Bang" behind us. The tube exploded and left a 3 inch crack in the fairly old tire. I helped her fixing it by putting in a bit of cardboard inside the tire and with a new tube it hold up to North Bend were we could get over a bikeshop for a new tire.

Southern Oregon was filled with nice weather and amazing coastline and while getting closer to the State of California and the famous Redwood forest I also started to get very close to my 23 birthday. I noticed it some week ago while I was in some store in Norther Oregon bying beer. The lady in the store asked me for ID and said "Have a good birthday on saturday". My first thought were "what?" before I realized that it's actually only a week left:). I guess if I wouldn't by beer on many of the nights after biking, I would have forgotten my own birthday.

Coming over to California it was like a border for the good weather. Cold and foggy weather welcomed us and while stopping on a store along the road for a snack I got one of the funniest comments on my trip so far. Me and Vanessa was standing in the store ready to pay our stuff. The guy who works there smiles and ask us about the trip and were we started. Vanessa says she started in Washington and I say Alaska. the guy is looking at me with a confused smile and say "Alaska?, Is there a road from there to here?. I thought it was just wilderness"  I laughed and said that "Yes, it's a lot of wilderness but there is actually a road in the middle of it:)". Both of us laughing we went out to the bikes to carry on. Nextcoming day we entered Crescent city were we bought wine and food for my birthdayparty at Mill Creek the same day:). Biking in Northerna California was a lot of passing through smalltown America and when we came to the tiny town of Smith River a fleamarket was going on. People were selling old shit from there garage, homemade stuff and some band were playing on the back of a truck for people who sitting and listening on haybales along the street. We heard some guy yelling across the street "Hey Bill, don't forget the lawnmover race in the weekend". we were in redneckcalifornia:). Vanessa asked me were I thought people in this kind of desolated town work and I answer, I don't think they do work :).

The coming days we were biking through the redwood forest which was an amazing experince. The trees there are just enormous. The weather was kinda foggy and damp in the first couple of days in the very far north in the state. In Californa we met up with Erin again who was biking on her own when Max had to go back home. The route took us further inland and the weather went from cold to really hot and we were consuming sunblock in the same amount as water. I was now biking with Erin from Chicago with Candece and Vanessa plus some biking crew from Texas just half a day behind us.

Coming in to Eureka me and Erin went over to the campground there were the guidebook advices bikers to stay in town. Neither of us liked it with the big RV:s, playgrounds and the genral bad location so we decided to bike in to town and se what we found there. Eureka is kind of a rough industrial town and asking a guy on the street for a cheap motel were we could stay he mentioned one but finished the sentence with "But I wouldn't stay there because someone got shot there last week". We found another place thou and headed of to the brewery in town before we went to have souther food on a soulfood restaurant and later, shanty's pub.

After totally missing out on the free breakfast on the motel we got a late start after noon and we had some good days of biking on our way down south in California. we meeting up with the other crew of Bicyclist on camp in Legget and the day after I decide to do a longer day than the rest of the team that felt done by noon. I carried on in misty weather and in Manchester I stopped for camp in a state park. Biking around looking for a spot I started to talk to Paul from southern CA and his wife Roberta. We had a long chat during the evening. The weather this day and the day after was really foggy and damp which made the biking kind of depressing. Your'e biking along the coast with the ocean maybe 60 feets from you but you can't see it.

Even if I been biking alot by my self up in Alaska, Yukon and BC it felt kinda lonely for the couple of days I was biking for my self on the coast. Rolling in to Bodega Bay the weather was clearing up a little bit and I meet Peter from southern California. We start to chat during the evening. During the days before I actually been wondering if I was gonna meet anyone hauling surfboards behind a pedalbike and here he was. With a remodeled babytrailer Peter had loaded the thing with 2 surfboards and his wetsuits. He started up in Mandacino and making his way home to Ojai. We decided to bike togheter down to San Franscisco.

During the night in Bodega Bay a couple of Canadian gys from Vancouver is rolling in to camp. I meet the guys during the day at lunchtime while they were trying to figure out a damage rim in some town. During the night in Bodega we once again woke up by the sound of rakoons messing around with the bags outside. I went out to scare them away and took in my bags in the tent. In the morning I woke up and the Canadian guys was really concerned. 2 of there panniers that had been on the table outside during the night were now gone with some clothes, food and most important, the passports. First we thought that if it would have been the rakonns we would have heard it so we thought they must have been stolen until we took a look in the bushes were we found them. The plastic bags were they had the passports were halfway but the passport were still intact so I guess they backed of when they realized they were Canadians :).

 Me and Peter carried on the last couple of days down towards San Franscisco. Good times with beautiful weather, a lot of beerstops during the days on varius bars and the knowledge of soon being up to crossing the Golden Gate Bridge we were happy cyclists. The day crossing the Golden Gate were really beautiful but a local fog covered the bridge so the view from it could have been better. San Franscisco itself is a really nice town and I spent 3 days there until I started to bike south again towards Santa Cruz Were I was gonna visit Brenna I met in NZ last year. Gonna stay here a couple of more days before I doing my last 2 bikedays for the year up to San Fran again to met up Micke for our roadtrip out to Vegas and Grand Canyon.

The pitures to this text was posted in the last post a couple of days ago, enjoy :)

Take care everybody

Friday, September 2, 2011

Good times on the westcoast

or something like that :)
 Ducktape, the most important tool :)
Nice coastline

 Entering California

Me and Vanessa from Vancouver biking in the redwoods northern California

 Me and Erin from Chicago is having a good dinner at a burgerplace just before Legget

This is my friend Peter from southern California. We biked togheter for 3 days. He's hauling a babytrailer loaded with 2 surfboards down the coast:)


Me and Emily from Vancouver Island spend a day cruising around San franscisco

hanging out on the hostel. Candace and Vanessa from Vancouver I was biking with on some parts of the coast

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's always beer a' clock at the westcoast :)

Howdy folks!

Riding west coasts seems to be a never ending story of good times. I've been biking along the Oregon Coast for a few days now and the weather have been excellent and the scenery stunning. That combined with meeting a lot of other travelers and having good times with food and beers on the afternoons while camping doesn't make it worse.

Started out in Olympia last Friday, for the second time, and so far I managed to keep my wallet in my bags:). The Washington part was kind of uninteresting and for a good reason, brought up bad memories along the road down to Astoria. When I came down to Astoria I found out that they had the 200 year "birthday" of the town that weekend and , apparently, it's the oldest town west of Minneapolis. They were really happy about it while I was thinking that there are few buildings in Europe that are younger than that:).

However, after Astoria the scenery adds up and The way to travel on the westcoast is defenitely to stay on the "Hike and Biker" sites along the road. We are pretty much gangs that are touring down south in different kind of speeds but decides before heading out were to stay for next night. Biking on the day is kind of hard work and  so far, harder work than mostly of the days along the Alcan. Really good scenery and after 5pm it's beer a ' clock and time for a swim in the freaking cold pacific ocean:).

A lot of people are warning about you have to be careful when camping because there are apparently plenty of cougars around. I don't know about that thou, the only cougars I've seen are the ones in the bars along the road, but, they can be pretty aggressive also :) .

Okey, time to head out to find a good camping for the night. Take care and hera are some nice pics just a couple of hours old :)

Market in Seattle
 Fish market in Seattle
 along HW 101
 Nice and small town along the coastroad
 On the night this gigantic crab showed up:)
 Nice farm a little bit inland form the coast.
I don't know:)
 Looks pretty warm to go for a swim but it's freaking cold
 Me and my Mexican friend, who's name I could possible not spell going in to grab a beer at the Irish pub.
 Supper's on the stove :)
Highway 101 Oregon coast!

At the harbor in Florence
On one of the lookout's along the road.